1. ホーム
  2. 在学生の方へ
  3. 開設授業科目一覧・シラバス・履修申請

To the students在学生の方へ

開設授業科目一覧・シラバス・履修申請List of Courses / Syllabus / Course Registration


This page provides a description of the flow from searching appropriate courses to applying for the courses in the College of Comparative Culture, and updated information about the courses.

※重要な更新情報については、原則として学類の掲示板を通じて通知されます。TWINSおよびKdBの活用にあたっては、『開設授業科目一覧』 の「2.履修申請について」を参照してください。

*Important updated information is generally notified through the College of Comparative Culture bulletin board. When using TWINS or KdB, refer to “Section 2. Application for the Coerces” from the “List of Courses.”


1. 授業を探す(開設授業科目一覧) Search for courses (List of Courses)


Refer to the “List of Courses in the pamphlet or on the university website for courses available in the College of Comparative Culture. 

リンク:筑波大学 学群教育 開設授業科目一覧(新しいウインドウで開きます)

Link: University of Tsukuba  College Education  List of Courses (a new window is opened) 


開設授業科目一覧についての更新 Updates of the List of Courses


Refer to the bulletin board of the College of Comparative Culture. The University of Tsukuba Curriculum Scheduling Support System (KdB) also provides information.


Link: Curriculum Scheduling Support System (KdB) (a new window is opened)


2. 授業の内容を知る(シラバス) Course Contents (syllabus)



Search the Curriculum Scheduling Support System (KdB) for details of each course.

*In addition to the Official Version, be sure to look at the Updated Version.


Link: Curriculum Scheduling Support System (KdB) (a new window is opened)

Also refer to public information including Areas and Concepts in 2017.


3. 受ける授業を決める(履修申請)Decision of the Courses (Application for the Courses)



After deciding what courses to take, apply for the courses on “Tsukuba Web-based Information Network System(TWINS)”.
*Note that the deadline may be different for each course.


Link: Tsukuba Web-based Information Network System(TWINS) (a new window is opened)



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