教育の特色Educational Characteristics
教育目標 Educational Goals
From the standpoints of modernity and interdisciplinary studies the College of Comparative Culture will reconsider the diversity of cultures that humanity has created and through this approach, cultivate individuals capable of having a broad view and a flexible imagination. Furthermore, the College of Comparative Culture endeavors to improve the international communications skills of students by emphasizing foreign language acquisition to a competent level.
教育の特徴と学べること Academic Attributes and Study Description
In 2013, the College of Comparative Culture switched to a new system under which the various majors were united into a single, large major, although the same academic areas offered in the past are still available. Within this large framework students gradually narrow down their individual interests under a flexible system allowing for learning through accumulative study in a combination of diverse subjects. Required courses are comparatively few and a defining characteristic of the major is the high level of student subject choice.Students who have completed the requirements can take a bachelor’s
degree (Comparative Culture).
学ぶことができる主な学問分野 Main Academic Areas of Study
Japanese Literature, Chinese Literature, English and American Literature, German Literature, French Literature, Comparative Literature and Literary Science, etc.
【地域研究】Regional Studies
Japanese Studies, Asian Studies, European and American Studies, etc.
【応用的な人文諸科学】Applied Human Sciences
Cultural Geography, Cultural Anthropology, Modern Thought, Comparative Religion, etc.
【文化学】Cultural Studies
Cultural Theory, Culture and Representation, Popular Culture Theory, Artistic Culture Theory, Physical Culture Theory, Film Culture Theory, Information Culture Theory, etc.
分野編成 Academics Organization
Under the single major of Comparative Culture there are six divisions encompassing 17 areas.
地域文化研究領野 Regional Culture Studies
日本・アジア領域 Division of Japanese and Asian Studies
Includes systematic areas of concentration in the cultural aspects of Asia and Japan focusing on literature, history, religion and society.
- 日本文学コース
Area of Japanese LiteratureArea of Japanese Literature - 日本研究コース
Area of Japanese Studies - 中国文学コース
Area of Chinese Literature - アジア研究コース
Area of Asian Studies
英米・ヨーロッパ領域 Division of Anglo-American and European Studies
Includes systematic areas of concentration in the English, German and French-speaking countries; in a broad sense the regional cultures of the West from literature, language, history, religion to society, are the subject of study.
- 英語圏文学・文化コース
Area of Anglo-American Studies - ドイツ語圏文学・文化コース
Area of German Studies - フランス語圏文学・文化コース
Area of French Studies - 欧米研究コース
Area of European and American Studies
フィールド文化領域 Division of Field Studies
Fieldwork is utilized to bring to light the diversity of regional cultures in Japan and the world providing a systematic study on the relationship between people and place focusing on the nature of humanity.
- 文化人類学コース
Area of Cultural Anthropology - 文化地理学コース
Area of Cultural Geography
超域文化研究領野 Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
表現文化領域 Division of Cultural Expression
Explores study of text and media cultural analysis (e.g. literary theory, comparative theory and cultural theory) from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective. Additionally, the dynamism of cultural creation relating to cultural representation (art, film, music, etc.) is studied systematically from the perspectives of both thought and practical research.
- テクスト文化学コース
Area of Textual Culture - 文化創造論コース
Area of Cultural Creativity - ワンプラネット文学・ 文化関係学コース
One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture
文化科学領域 Division of Cultural and Social Sciences
Systematic areas of concentration with a focus on the problems of human society are studied from a composite perspective. Key words include: Life and physical culture, art and culture, public and private space, informatization, media, communication, journalism, etc.
- 先端文化学コース
Area of Advanced Studies in Culture - 情報文化学コース
Area of Media Communication and Information Society Studies
思想文化領域 Division of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Includes areas of concentration in which philosophy and religion are systematically studied. Key words include: Thought, cognizance, language, logic, ethics, religion, etc.
- 現代思想コース
Area of Contemporary Philosophy - 比較宗教コース
Area of Comparative Religion
The division is what is considered as your “home ground” so to speak. From within your chosen division, a specified number of courses must be taken. More specialized courses begin in the third year in the area of specialization which you choose. In the fourth year, students officially choose their area of concentration and write a graduation thesis in that area.
Furthermore, overall, there are two major divisions: The Major Division of Regional Culture Studies in which the classification of academic disciplines is maintained within the division and the Major Division of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies in which a cross-regional approach is applied. The two aspects of specialization and inter-disciplinary character are, obviously, fully reflected in the content of the College of Comparative Culture.
You are allowed to freely choose any classes depending on your concerns and interests regardless of the division or area you participate in. A curriculum model is available so that you can create an effective learning plan.
- 2014年5月20日
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