概要 ~現代思想コース~Outline ~Area of Contemporary Philosophy~
Class scene of Area of Contemporary Philosophy
After all, phi-lo-so-phy would seem nothing but chitchatting!!
「なんで大人の言うこと聞かなきゃいけないの?」って、カント。「リア充ってなに? 彼氏とブランドバッグって同じ ??」って、ハイデガー。「哲学」って「哲学者についての研究」じゃない。哲学って、あなたの目にいっぱいくっついてる <ウロコ>を剥がすこと、あなた自身のごく普通の悩みを解決すること。つまり哲学って、「楽しく生きるための技術」なんです。その「技術」を身につける「練習」をするのがここ。つまり現代思想コースって、「ウッスラと楽しく」じゃなくて「本・・・当に楽しく生きる」技術を練習する「ジム」なんです!哲学書を読んでもいい。徹底的にサポートします。バリバリの専門家、揃ってます。でも哲学書なんか一冊も読まなくてもいい。どこまでも一緒に考えていけばいい。あなた自身が本当にラディカルに哲学することも、そしてハードでとことん専門的な哲学史・哲学研究も。ここは両方できる、たぶん日本で唯一の場所です。
“Why should we follow what grown-ups say?” is a saying of Kant. “What do you mean by extrovert life? A boyfriend is no different from a bag of well-known brand?” is a saying of Heidegger. “Philosophy” should not be assimilated with “Studies about philosophers”. Philosophy is about scraping the plenty of off your eyes and solving your ordinary types of annoyances. In short, philosophy is a “technique of having a pleasant life”. A place where you can acquire the technique is right here. That means, Area of Contemporary Philosophy is a “gym” where students brush up the technique of “having a pleasant life in its true sense” and not “having a somehow pleasant life”! You may read philosophy books. We will provide support to the fullest extent. Here you will find a good roster of top-flite specialists. You may not read even a single booklet of philosophy. All you need to do is to just stay dipped in thoughts together with us. This is perhaps the only place in Japan where either or both of two routes are open to you: to quest your road radically to philosophy, or to go through intensive hard work on highly specialized studies in history of philosophy or in philosophy itself.
“Why should we follow what grown-ups say?” is a saying of Kant. “What do you mean by extrovert life? A boyfriend is no different from a bag of well-known brand?” is a saying of Heidegger. “Philosophy” should not be assimilated with “Studies about philosophers”. Philosophy is about scraping the plenty of off your eyes and solving your ordinary types of annoyances. In short, philosophy is a “technique of having a pleasant life”. A place where you can acquire the technique is right here. That means, Area of Contemporary Philosophy is a “gym” where students brush up the technique of “having a pleasant life in its true sense” and not “having a somehow pleasant life”! You may read philosophy books. We will provide support to the fullest extent. Here you will find a good roster of top-flite specialists. You may not read even a single booklet of philosophy. All you need to do is to just stay dipped in thoughts together with us. This is perhaps the only place in Japan where either or both of two routes are open to you: to quest your road radically to philosophy, or to go through intensive hard work on highly specialized studies in history of philosophy or in philosophy itself.
開設している主な授業 Subjects Offered
1年次生 1st year students |
思想文化領域入門演習1 |
2年次生以降 専門科目 2nd year and subsequent year students – specialty subjects |
現代倫理学 比較思想研究 哲学カフェ 分析哲学 科学哲学 日本・東洋思想史研究 |
五十嵐 沙千子 Sachiko Igarashi |
ハイデガー、ハーバーマス、政治哲学 Heidegger, Habermas, Political Philosophy |
井川 義次 Yoshitsugu Igawa |
東西思想交流、中国哲学、近代西洋哲学 Exchange of Ideas between East and West, Chinese Philosophy, Modern Western Philosophy |
橋本 康二 Kouji Hashimoto |
分析哲学、英米現代思想 Analytic Philosophy, Contemporary Anglo-American Thought |
嚴 錫仁(オム ソギン)Seogin Eom |
東アジアの儒学思想 Cofucian Thought in East Asia |
- 2021年6月17日
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