▲ 19世紀末のイギリス帝国を描いた地図
Map of the British Empire as of the end of the 19th century
In-depth studies of the European and American culture from the historical background.
The European and American culture are the foundation of the contemporary world and have provided the model for Japan during the course of its modernization. It is, however, not a simple and straightforward body of global standards, but comprises a group of countries with diverse successions of culture, diverse histories, each country having its own interests distinct from those of others. The faculty members of the Area of European and American Studies include those whose respective specialty covers the culture areas of the Ancient and Medieval times around the Mediterranean Sea, the Spanish culture areas that spread out across the globe during the times of geographical discovery, the Russian culture areas ranging from the east part of Europe to Asia, the Anglo-American culture areas which encompass the Pacific Ocean, and so forth, and their interests lie in tracing dynamics of overall evolution of history. Such interests help reveal the characteristics of rapid changes of economic and other aspects of the contemporary world.
ポイント Point
On those many empires which appeared in the world’s history and their civilization areas, the faculty members offer the subjects of European and American Culture and Seminar in European and American Culture, making it possible for students to stay with particular subjects for the regions or culture of their interests every year. The faculty members are also responsible for offering programs of language education, and consider it important for students to acquire the language capability adequate for pursuing studies and researches. Additionally, the faculty members support students regarding studies overseas or language training programs. Further, for students who pursue taking teacher licenses, this Area offers those subjects which pertain to geography and history, and to the English language.
開設している主な授業 Subjects Offered
1年次生 1st year students |
英米・ヨーロッパ領域入門演習VII 欧米研究概論 英語に加えラテン語またはギリシア語、スペイン語、ロシア語いずれかの初級 |
2年次生以降 専門科目 2nd year and subsequent year students – specialty subjects |
欧米文化論 欧米文化論演習 1年次既習語学の中級(専門外国語など) |
秋山 学 Manabu Akiyama |
古典古代学(比較文法、文献学、秘跡論、仏教史) Classical Studies |
加藤 百合 Yuri Kato |
スラヴ文化、特に、18世紀以降のロシアの歴史と文学 Slavic Culture, Russian History and Literature since the 18th Century |
佐藤 千登勢 Chitose Sato |
アメリカ現代史、社会保障・福祉、労働 Modern American History, Social Security and Welfare, Labor |
津田 博司 Hiroshi Tsuda |
オーストラリアとカナダを中心とするイギリス帝国史 History of the British Empire focused on Australia and Canada |
馬籠 清子 Kiyoko Magome |
音楽・文学研究、アメリカ現代文学 Musico-Literary Studies, Modern American Literature |
宮崎 和夫 Kazuo Miyazaki |
帝国時代のスペインとその支配地域の歴史 History of Spanish Empire and its territories |
- 2024年4月15日
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