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概要 ~中国文学コース~Outline ~Area of Chinese Literature~



The opening of the Chang hen ge, the Everlasting Regrets, written by Bai Letian, which very feelingly describes the tragic love story of Yang Kuei Fei, a woman of overwhelming beauty, and Emperor Xuan Zong.
Published in Japan during the Edo Era, this book contains retrace marks and indicative kana letters in Japanese ink to show the ways to read the text in Japanese.
The rules used herein vary in part from what you learn at high schools. A collection of University of Tsukuba Library.

Perusal of classical literary works to live a better life.

The Chinese literary works intrigue us with their greatness in coverage. Taking the Chinese classical literary works as a whole, almost all things that arise in one’s course of life are dealt with and put in the works somewhere by somebody, as such there are abundant items and materials useful for giving thoughts. Taking each literary work, it usually carries along the culture of the times up to when it was written, thus is susceptible of multiple ways and depths of interpretation. The words and phrases used in the works are also far from simple. For example, how do you understand the word of “three month” that appears in the “Chun Wang”, the Spring View, written by the highly reputed poet Du Fu and expressed in just two Chinese letters? “Three months” or “the month of March under lunar calendar”? This difference alone can lead to derivation of different nuances of the whole poem. This Area provides an opportunity for students to develop sensitivity to words and phrases by directly touching on the marvels of the literary works, deepen insights into the human beings and explore the ways of living a better life.

 中国文学コース ポイント_190621

At the outset, students take the subject of Studies in Comparative Culture: Japanese and Asian Studies and Introduction to Chinese Literature, and gain basic knowledge and skills required to study the Chinese literary works. Then, students advance further and definitively into the world of the Chinese literary works by attending lectures including History of Chinese Literature. Next, students participate in seminars to attain a higher level of specialty in the Chinese classical literary works. During this period, students take the subjects of Seminar in Reading Chinese Literature offered at this Area, Chinese Basics offered at CEGLOC, and other subjects offered within Division of Japanese and Asian Studies as well as subjects offered at other Divisions such as Division of Philosophy and Religious Studies, all to the extent necessary. Eventually, students put forth all of their efforts towards completion of their graduation dissertation.

開設している主な授業 Subjects Offered

1st year students
2nd year and subsequent year students – specialty subjects


稀代 麻也子
Mayako Kishiro
Six Dynasties Literature