概要 ワンプラネット文学・文化関係学コースOutline: One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture
“As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of our world.”
“One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture” offers a new approach to research in literature and culture for students who are interested in the future of our planet, in understanding our globally shared problems and in finding creative solutions. The program focuses on global crises issues such as Global Warming, Aging Society, Refugee and Migration, Gender Equality, Discrimination, Poverty, Plastic Pollution, Nuclear Hazards, and Hunger, and reviews counteractive concepts such as Resiliency, Sustainability, Mindfulness, and Stewardship. The course uses English as our global language for international communication and co-operation and offers students the chance to come together and engage in English-based international research and communication.
1年次生 | Introduction to One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture |
2年次生以降 専門科目 |
One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture (lecture) I-II One-Planet Relational Studies in Literature and Culture (seminar) I-IV |
ヘーゼルハウス、ヘラト Heselhaus, Herrad |
ワン・プラネット文学、ワン・プラネット文化学 One-Planet Literature Studies, One-Planet Culture Studies |
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- 2019年3月29日
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