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概要 ~アジア研究コース~


▲ (左)香港島の高層ビル群 (右)ネパールでのフィールドワーク(生き神クマリと)
(left) High-rise buildings on the Hong Kong Island
(right) Field work in Nepal (together with Kumari, Living Goddess)

At Area of Asian Studies, the culture, ethnic groups, religions, politics, societies, etc. of various regions in Asia are studied and reviewed.

Asia is a part of Eurasian Continent and comprises pluralistic regions and places of vast area, long and old history, and various ethnic groups and culture. Japan is sited in Asia, and notwithstanding the recollections of negative history that arose between Japan and other countries in Asia, the interactions and collaborations between Japan and the neighboring countries in Asia becomes increasingly close and tight in the 21st century. Achieving coalition and cooperation through recognition of the diverse realities of Asia as well as recognition of the life, historical background, and values of the people in the local places, all from their points of view, is a task that we must go for. Area of Asian Studies pursues studies which primarily cover China, Taiwan, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, and Tibet, and the objective of the studies is to obtain clear picture of Asia from the historical as well as contemporary points of view, and to develop capabilities suitable for analyzing the ongoing issues.

Point   アジア研究コースでは、多様なテーマで講義や演習を開設し、学際的なアジア理解を目指しています。基礎になるアジア地域の言語(漢文、現代中国語、インド古典語、チベット語、韓国語)を用いた資料の解読にも力を入れています。英語の文献も多く用います。旅行、留学、調査などのために現地を訪れ、自分の問題意識を形成する学生が多く、卒業論文も個性に富んだものとなっています。

Area of Asian Studies offers lectures and seminars steered to diverse themes, with a view to achieving interdisciplinary understanding of Asia. In addition, we also put forth great amount of resources in reading the materials and archives expressed in those key languages in the Asian regions (classical Chinese, contemporary Chinese, Tibetan, Korean). We also use many materials in English. Many students travel to local regions for tourism, studies overseas, or field work, and formulate awareness of their own on the issues, which comes to fruition as the originalities abundant graduation dissertation.

開設している主な授業 Subjects Offered

1st year students
2nd year and subsequent year students – specialty subjects


アジアの政治と社会演習I~IV, アジア文化資料研究演習I~IV

アジアの民族と文化I~II, アジア文化論演習I~V, アジアの民族と文化演習I~V(2023年度まで開講)



山本 真
Shin Yamamoto
Modern History of China, History of Overseas and Ethnic Chinese

横山 剛    Takeshi Yokoyama

サンスクリットなどで記された文献の読解を通じて、仏教の教理がインドにおいていかに展開したのか、またその後アジア各地にどのように伝播したのかを研究しています。                                                        Buddhist Thought and Culture in India and other Asian Regions

丸山 宏(2023年度まで)

Hiroshi Maruyama


Religion and Ethnicity in China, Taiwan

吉水千鶴子(2023年度まで)Chizuko Yoshimizu


Indian and Tibetan Buddhism and Culture
